Yaniv Shlosberg Lab
Ariel University

Scholar Profile
During his PhD at the Grand Technion Energy Program, Yaniv Shlosberg successfully developed bio-photo‑electrochemical cells that harvested electricity from the photosynthesis that takes place in seaweed and plants. His discovery generated significant interest in popular TV and press media like Ynet, the Jerusalem Post, and Science Daily.

Dr. Shlosberg and his collaborators filed a patent for live organism-based bio-generators, and he established a startup company called Photosynthetic Energy.

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Dr. Shlosberg’s lab in the Department of Chemistry at Ariel University furthers his goal of developing clean energy biotechnologies. He plans to develop bio-electrochemical cells that will produce electricity and hydrogen fuel and decrease carbon emissions by conducting photosynthesis. He plans to merge his expertise in bioelectricity with 3D printingby making biosensors for pathogen (hazardous bacteria and virus) detection, and designing plastic antibodies for targeting pathogens, sickle cell anemia, and cancer cells. This could be a step towards developing non‑invasive irradiative cancer treatments.

Dr. Shlosberg did his first postdoc at the University of California Santa Barbara in the faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, also working independently with a lab at UCLA. His work showed for the first time that bioelectricity could be generated from biomaterials and live organisms such as mammalian cells and roots. His second postdoc, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tel Aviv University, continued to develop the concept of mammalian fuel cells.

Principal Investigator
Dr. Yaniv Shlosberg
Zuckerman Faculty Scholar
Established 2024