2024-25 Cohort

We are very pleased to welcome the 23 new scholars. The program proudly counts 290 scholars and 52 Zuckerman labs.

2024-25 Cohort

We are very pleased to welcome the 23 new scholars. The program proudly counts 290 scholars and 52 Zuckerman labs. ​

Postdoc Program

Postdoc Program

Call for nomination 2025-2026 is now open
Israeli Postdoc Program

Israeli Postdoc Program

Call for nomination 2025-2026 is now open
Faculty Program

Faculty Program

Changing the Research Landscape in Israel
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Shoshana Ginsburg_Zuckerman-postdoctoral-Scholar
Scholar spotlight

Welcome to Dr. Shoshana Ginsburg, new Zuckerman postdoctoral scholar at Prof. Maya Davidovich-Pinhas’s lab at Technion’s Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Shoshana Ginsburg thrives on discovering how molecules interact and give rise to new products. For her PhD in Food Science & Technology at The Ohio State University, she explored lipid chemistry through chemical reactions, analyzing the chemical and physiochemical properties of the products. Specifically, she used different catalysts to perform transesterification on various oils, investigating how the resulting lipids affected the oils’ crystallization.

Zuckerman Labs

Israel’s Brain Gain

Zuckerman funded cutting-edge labs are accelerating STEM research at Israel’s top institutions. Zuckerman Faculty Scholars demonstrate leadership and overall excellence in innovative and award-winning research. Zuckerman scholarship draws the brightest young minds to pursue their research in Israel, and promotes collaboration with research groups globally.


Advancing women in STEM

We continue to lead the way in advancing women in STEM at Israel’s academic institutions. and proudly continue to expand the community with significant partnerships and opportunities.

49% of Zuckerman scholars now enrolled in the program are women. Each female scholar is making an impact in her field, creating a larger group of peers, and easing the way for other women to be accepted.


Mortimer B. Zuckerman envisioned a shared future of scientific growth and collaboration for Israel and the United States

His initiative set in motion numerous tremendous academic alliances that have given hundreds of young researchers the opportunity to pursue the highest level of research in Israel and the United States.