Presidents Dinner

Prof. Yossi Mekori, the Council for Higher Education’s new Planning and Budgeting Committee Chair, joined the seven university presidents, including, Arie Zaban, President of Bar Ilan University, Daniel Chaimovitz, President, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Ron Robin, President, University of Haifa, Asher Cohen, President, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Uri Sivan, President of Technion for the gathering in Tel Aviv. Over dinner, each president shared a few words about the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program and its impact on their institution.
The Zuckerman Institute is very proud of its continued role in advancing US – Israel scientific and academic relations in both countries; and for providing large-scale funding to develop top tier research labs, projects, and programs at the most prestigious Israeli and US institutions.
The Zuckerman Institute wishes to express its gratitude and renew its successful partnership with the Council for Higher Education.