Dr. Anat Rotstein

Rene Kahn Lab website
Anat Rotstein conducted her PhD at the University of Haifa in the Department of Community Mental Health. She focused on psychiatric epidemiological research using advanced psychometric techniques to examine quality of life in persons with schizophrenia.
Dr. Rotstein’s training and background in psychiatric epidemiology make her especially suitable for her postdoc at the Department of Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, where she is involved in a series of epidemiological research projects using nationally representative healthcare data. She hopes to identify modifiable risk factors for dementia in old age and for autism spectrum disorders in children. She uses R (a program for statistical computing and graphics) to apply standard and complex statistical modeling and visual presentations in her research. In addition to working with her colleagues at Mount Sinai, she is collaborating with an international team of colleagues at the University of Haifa, Meuhedet Health Services, the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, and Kyoto University in Japan.
Dr. Rotstein has published several national cohort studies on dementia and cognitive functioning in older adults. She is leading various grant applications and has reviewed for over a dozen refereed journals.