Dr. Joshua Rosenberg
Asaf Nachmias Lab website
Dr. Rosenberg completed his PhD in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania in the area of discrete probability, specifically, interacting particle systems and branching processes. Dr. Rosenberg will be applying this expertise to his research in the probability group in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Tel Aviv U, where he hopes to focus on interacting particle systems and percolation theory. Interacting particle systems have gained prominence due to their practical utility as a means of studying the long-term behavior of complex systems. Percolation theory has been used to analyze everything from the transport of liquid through a porous media to the intricacies of network security. Other notable applications include modelling the spread of an epidemic and determining optimal locations for septic systems. Dr. Rosenberg aspires to make substantial contributions to the collective understanding in these areas by developing mathematical tools with a greater degree of effectiveness and mathematical precision. A winner of the Good Teaching Award at his university, he also hopes to expand the frontiers of knowledge in probability theory by mentoring aspiring mathematicians.