Dr. Siddharth Gupta
Meirav Zehavi Lab website
Dr. Gupta earned his PhD in Theoretical Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine. His research interests are in the design and analysis of algorithms, mainly parameterized and approximation algorithms for graphs, and in data structures.
During his PhD, Dr. Gupta studied two kinds of geographic and geometric graphs: road network and clustered graphs. A road network graph has a vertex at each intersection of roads and an edge for each segment of road between the intersections. A clustered graph’s vertices belong to properly nested clusters. He considered them as embedded graphs, where the ordering of edges (clockwise or counter-clockwise) incident on each vertex is uniquely defined. He developed algorithms and models for some problems related to these different kinds of graphs.
At Ben-Gurion University, he will focus on approximation and parameterized algorithms, and algorithms for planar graphs and road networks. He will be part of a research group that works on parameterized algorithms for problems in computational geometry.
Dr. Gupta is known as a clear and engaging speaker, with the rich blend of creativity, temperament and discipline required for a career in research.