Dr. Anastasia Yanchilina
Aldo Shemesh Lab website
Dr. Yanchilina was a PhD researcher at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University. Her doctoral thesis was entitled “The history of the last deglaciation through the lens of the Black Sea: new data and changing paradigms.” At the Weizmann Institute of Science, she plans to work in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences on the application of stable isotopes to diagnosing the evolution of opal to chert and Archean paleothermometry. Dr. Yanchilina was active on the Columbia cycling team, and has taken a team approach to her studies, too.
She has previously done research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado where she participated in an expedition to study the atmospheric composition in southwest Pacific and at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Research Institute in Woods Hole, Massachusetts where she reconstructed changes in temperature during the last deglaciation in western Atlantic. She has served as a New York Academy of Science Mentor as a teaching fellow and more recently, as a mentor working with junior high level students in environmental restoration. Dr. Yanchilina has also made several trips to Washington, D.C. as a proponent of earth science in national and international policy.