Dr. Merav Stern

Larry Abbott Lab website
Dr. Stern completed her PhD from the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation at Hebrew University while collaborating with Columbia University’s Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. Dr. Stern is striving for a deeper understanding of how our brains process information. She seeks to identify brain areas that alter their activity during the course of learning a visually-guided behavioral task, to characterize these changes, and to assess for each brain area the intrinsic (local) changes versus alterations in external influences from other cortical areas.
Known as an outstanding student, she excelled at the challenging task of adding a theoretical aspect to the study of the neural networks activity, and in fact her postdoctoral work will consist of beginning a new collaboration between a theoretical group of researchers at the University of Washington and experimental lab scientists at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle. Her work is expected to find widespread applications.