Dr. Sho Uemura

Erez Etzion Lab website
Dr. Sho Uemura earned his PhD at Stanford University in experimental particle physics based on the Heavy Photon Search experiment (HPS). He produced the first full analysis of the experiment’s central search for heavy photons.
At Tel Aviv University, in the department of Particle Physics, Dr. Uemura will continue to search for dark matter. Based on astrophysical observations, dark matter, which is not detectable by optical observations and interacts minimally with visible matter, makes up most of the mass of the universe.
Dr. Uemura will work on the SENSEI (Sub-Electron Noise Skipper-CCD Experimental Instrument) experiment, a state-of-the-art search for low-mass dark matter particles that uses Skipper CCD (charge-coupled device) technology, which is uniquely sensitive to extremely weak signals created by dark matter particles interacting with the CCD. This gives SENSEI sensitivity to low-mass dark matter.
Dr. Uemura will also collaborate in preparing and installing a full size silicon detector in a deep mine in Canada (SNOLAB). This detector uses a novel technology that looks for recoil of electrons from interactions with dark matter. Once the detector is installed and takes data, the plan is to build a parallel system at the lab in Tel Aviv in order to pursue measurements which will help interpret the results of that data.