Itamar Harel

Itamar Harel
Itamar Harel
Itamar Harel, Zuckerman Faculty Scholar, publishes paper in Developmental Biology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Pituitary hormones play a central role in shaping vertebrate life history events, including growth, reproduction, metabolism, and aging. The regulation of these traits often requires precise control of hormone levels across diverse timescales. However, fine tuning circulating hormones in-vivo has traditionally been experimentally challenging. Here, using the naturally short-lived turquoise killifish we describe a high-throughput platform that combines loss- and gain-of-function of peptide hormones. This method is relatively high-throughput, and facilitates large-scale interrogation of life-history strategies in fish. Ultimately, this approach could be adapted for modifying aquaculture species and exploring pro-longevity interventions.