Jennifer Gilda

Dr. Jennifer Gilda, Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology presented her research poster at an EMBO Scientific Conference in Cavtat, Croatia.
Dr. Gilda is also an author on two recently accepted publications:
1. Goldbraikh, D., Neufeld, D., Mutlak-Eid, Y., Lasry, I., Parnis, A., Gilda, J.E., Cohen, S. USP1 deubiquitinates protein kinase Akt to inhibit PI3K-Akt-FoxO signaling. 2020. EMBO Reports, in press. [Research article]
2. Gilda, J.E., Cohen, S. Molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle wasting in cancer. Systemic Effects of Advanced Cancer. 2020. Springer Nature, under review. [Book chapter]
Dr. Gilda and her research team at the Cohen Lab also enjoyed a bonding activity with a French cooking class at the Cooking Studio in Tel Aviv.